Please restart your computer, allow 30 minutes for the system to run before uploading further information so that the impact of making changes can become apparent.
Oct 20, 2017 I have the same problem (slow update) downloading patch files via launcher with only 0.03MB/s ~ 0.08MB/s, from 94% to 95% after 7 hours. What can I do except keep waiting? Question Download speed fix (self.blackdesertonline) submitted 3 years ago by [deleted] I am currently installing BDO and I am getting 0.3MB/s when I should be getting at least 1.5MB/s. Windows 10 Update is very slow, how to speed it up? Even after the download, I am on a slow internet, it took another 3 hours to get everything loaded and finish all the reboots. Any way to speed it up? BDO KR Patch Notes Dec 19th: Unleashed Awakening Skills for Archer, Caphras Stone Extraction BDO KR Patch Notes Dec 5th - Archer Pre-Creation begins, Imperial Delivery revamped New Region and Large Scale PvP in development - The second Black Desert. I have the top speed package for Road Runner Internet and my utorrent and all other appliactions download at speeds of up to 1.5MBps and upload at around 150 Kbps, so I'm not sure why the FF14 updater is taking forever. How can I get Final Fantasy XIV to update faster? Try changing the ff14 config to eniglish language it. Is there a way to speed up WoW patch downloads? Trying to download WoW patch. Maximum download speed is 150kb/s. It's only downloading at 10-30.
Please restart your computer and allow 30 minutes for the system to run before uploading information. When examining Event Viewer log files many, not all, problems show in the period immediately after the computer has been booted.
Please provide a copy of your System Information file. To access your System Information file select the keyboard shortcut Win+R, type msinfo32 and click OK . Place the cursor on System Summary. Select File, Export and give the file a name noting where it is located. Click Save. Do not place the cursor within the body of the report before exporting the file. The system creates a new System Information file each time system information is accessed. You need to allow a minute or two for the file to be fully populated before exporting a copy. Please upload the file to your OneDrive, share with everyone and post a link here. Reports in normal mode preferred. Please say if the report has been obtained in safe mode. If the report is in a language other than English, please state the language.
Please upload and share with everyone fresh copies of your System and Application logs (two files) from your Event Viewer to your One Drive and post a link here. You can remove the earlier copies of the logs from your OneDrive.
To access the System log select the keyboard shortcut Win+R, type eventvwr.msc and press the ENTER key. From the list in the left side of the window select Windows Logs and System. Place the cursor on System, select Action from the Menu and Save All Events as (the default evtx file type) and give the file a name. Do the same for the Applications log. Do not provide filtered files. Do not place the cursor in the list of reports before selecting Action from the menu. Do not clear logs whilst you have a continuing problem.
Easiest Way To Speed Up Computer
For help with OneDrive see paragraph 9.3: