Comcast Patch Download League Of Legends

League of Legends’ next big content patch is 7.20, introducing Runes Reforged and a brand-new version of Evelynn, as well as a host of balance and bug fixes. We’re getting to the preseason, so pretty much all 138 champions will be getting tweaked over the next few months. Have a look below for all the information we’ve got, straight from the PBE.

The stay up to date with the PBE, check out the League of Legends Patch 7.21 notes.

LoL Patch 7.20 Release Date And Downtime

Riot have revealed that the new patch will be coming out tomorrow, October 11. Servers will go down at 03:00 PST for NA servers, 05:00 BST for EUW, and 03:00 CET for EUNE, and will be unavailable for around three hours. We’ll update when Riot do, but keep an eye on theserver maintenance pagefor the latest updates.

To access all the patch info quickly, here’s a selection of pertinent links:

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LoL Patch 7.20 Balance Changes

That out of the way, let’s start with the really important bit, shall we? What you need to remember is that stuff on the PBE like this is neither guaranteed to happen, nor to be in the next patch even if it does. This is what the folks over at Riot are thinking about doing. We’ve got the numbers on what’s changing, and a general guideline on which way each champion, item, mastery, summoner spell or rune is moving.

LoL Patch 7.20 Champion Rework: Evelynn

Evelynn’s, Agony’s Embrace, is getting a full rework in Patch 7.20. That means new spells, a new voiceover, and a whole new visual reowrk, complete with new splash arts. But beneath all the changes, she’s the same sneaky assassin she’s always been.

  • Base HP: 572
  • HP Growth: 84
  • HP Growth: 84
  • Base HP Regen: 1.7
  • HP Regen Growth: 0.15
  • Base Armor: 28
  • Armor Growth: 3.5
  • MR: 32
  • Base Movement Speed: 335
  • Range: 125
  • Base AD: 61
  • Attack Damage Growth: 3
  • Attack Speed: .667

Demon Shade (Passive):

  • After not attacking, casting spells, or taking damage for 4 seconds, Evelynn enshrouds herself in her Demon Shade, granting Camouflage. While enshrouded and below [250-590 (scaling with level) + 250% AP] health, Evelynn recovers 15-50 health per second.

Hate Spike (Q):

  • Mana cost: 40/45/50/55/60
  • Cooldown: 8 seconds
  • Evelynn’s Lasher strikes in the target direction, dealing 25/30/35/40/45 (+30% AP) magic damage to the first unit hit and causing Evelynn’s next 3 spells or attacks on that unit deal 10/20/30/40/50 (+25% AP) bonus magic damage. Then, Evelynn can recast this ability up to 3 times.
    • Recast: Fires spikes through the nearest enemy, dealing 25/30/35/40/45 (+30% AP) magic damage to all units hit.
    • Refunds 60% of Hate Spike’s cooldown if the Lasher hits a monster. Hate Spike prioritizes the target Evelynn is attacking.

Allure (W):

  • Mana cost: 60/70/80/90/100
  • Cooldown:14/13/12/11/10 seconds
  • Curses target champion or monster for 5 seconds. If Evelynn hits the target with a basic attack or ability, she will expunge the Curse, refund its mana cost, and briefly slow the target by 65%. Casting Allure does not remove Evelynn from Demon Shade.
  • If the Curse lasts at least 2.5 seconds, expunging it Charms the target for 1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2. second(s) and:
    • Against champions: shreds Magic Resist by 25/27.5/30/32.5/35% for 4 seconds.
    • Against monsters: deals 250/300/350/400/450 (+60% AP) magic damage. Charm duration increased by 2 seconds.

Whiplash (E):

  • Mana cost: 40/45/50/55/60
  • Cooldown: 8 seconds
  • Whip target with Lashers, applying on hit effects and dealing magic damage equal to 30/45/60/75/90 plus 4% (+3% AP) of their max health. Then, gain 30% movement speed for 2 seconds.
  • Entering Demon Shade resets Whiplash’s cooldown and empowers it. When empowered, Whiplash pulls Evelynn to her target, dealing magic damage to them and enemies in the way equal to 60/80/100/120/140 plus 6% (+4% AP) of their max health.

Last Caress (R):

  • 140/110/80 sec Cooldown
  • Cost: 100 Mana
  • Evelynn unleashes her demonic energy, becoming untargetable and decimating enemies in front of her. She then warps backwards. Deals 150/275/400 (+75% AP) magic damage, increased to 300/550/800 (+150% AP) to enemies below 30% health.

Here’s how that all looks tied together:

There’s more than 8 minutes of special interactions for your eyes too, which lets you watch new Evelynn calling Ahri a skank. She also kinda hits on Bard and Dr. Mundo, which is vaguely uncomfortable. Check it out below:

She also has a new voiceover, which you can watch below:

And for good measure, here’s the brand new Evelynn Champion Spotlight:

Patch 7.20 Champion Changes

Aatrox – buffed

  • Blood Thirst/Blood Price (W):
    • Damage increased to50/85/120/155/190 from45/80/115/150/185.
  • Blades of Torment (E):
    • Damage increased to75/115/155/195/235 from70/110/150/190/230.

Ahri – buffed

  • HP growth increased to 92 from 80.
  • Base HP increased to 526.4 from 514.4.

Akali – buffed

  • Base armor increased to 31.28 from 26.38.
  • HP growth increased to 90 from 85.
  • Base HP increased to 592.8 from 587.8.

Alistar – buffed

  • Base armor increased to 44.38 from 24.38.

Amumu – buffed

  • Base AD increased to 61.38 from 53.384.
  • Base armor increased to 32.54 from 23.544.

Anivia – buffed

  • HP growth increased to 82 from 70.
  • Base HP increased to 479.6 from 467.6.

Annie – buffed

  • HP growth increased to 88 from 76.
  • Base HP increased to 523.68 from 511.68.
Comcast Patch Download League Of Legends

Ashe – buffed

  • Base AD increased to 64.51 from 56.508.
  • Base armor increased to 30.21 from 21.212

Aurelion Sol – buffed

  • HP growth increased to 92 from 80.
  • Base HP increased to 562 from 550.

Azir – buffed

  • HP growth increased to 92 from 80.
  • Base HP increased to 552 from 540.

Bard – buffed

  • Base armor increased to 34 from 25.

Blitzcrank – buffed

  • Base armor increased to 44.38 from 24.38.

Brand –buffed

  • Blaze (P):
    • New effect: If Brand kills an enemy that is already ablaze, he gains 6-18 mana.
  • HP growth increased to 76 from 88.
  • Base HP increased to 519.68 from 507.68.

Braum – buffed

  • Base armor increased to 46.72 from 26.72.

Caitlyn – buffed

  • Ace in the Hole (R):
    • Damage increasedto 265/490/715from 250/475/700.
  • Base AD increased to 61.66 from 53.66.
  • Base armor increased to 31.88 from 22.88.

Cassiopeia – buffed

  • HP growth increased to 87 from 75.
  • Base HP increased to 537 from 525.

Camille –buffed

  • Tactical Sweep (W):
    • Damage increased to 70/100/130/160/190 from 65/95/125/155/185.
  • Hookshot (E):
    • Damage increased to 75/120/175/210/255 from 70/115/160/205/250.

Diana – buffed

  • Base armor increased to 31.05 from 26.05.
  • HP growth increased to 95 from 90.
  • Base HP increased to 594.2 from 589.2.

Draven – buffed

  • Spinning Axe (Q):
    • Damage increased to35/40/45/50/55 from30/35/40/45/50.
  • Stand Aside (E):
    • Damage increasedto 75/110/145/180/215 from 70/105/140/175/210.
  • Whirling Death (R):
    • Damage increased to 185/285/385 from 175/275/375.

Dr. Mundo – buffed

  • Base AD increased to 69.27 from 61.27.
  • Base armor increased to 35.88 from 26.88.

Ekko – buffed

  • Base armor increased to 32 from 27.
  • HP growth increased to 85 from 80.
  • Base HP increased to 585 from 580.

Elise – buffed

  • Base armor increased to 27.13 from 22.128.
  • HP growth increased to 85 from 80.
  • Base HP increased to 534.4 from 529.4.

Evelynn – buffed

  • Base armor increased to 37 from 28.

Ezrael – buffed

  • Arcane Shift (E):
    • Damage increased to 80/130/180/230/280 from 75/125/175/225/275.
  • Trueshot Barrage (R):
    • Damage increased to 355/505/655 from 350/500/650
  • Base AD increased to 63.66 from 55.66.
  • Base armor increased to 30.88 from 21.88.

Fiddlesticks – buffed

  • Base armor increased to 29.88 from 20.88.

Fiora –buffed

  • Lunge (Q):
    • Damage increased to 70/80/90/100/110 from 65/75/85/95/105.

Fizz – buffed

  • HP growth increased to 29.88 from 20.88.
  • Base HP increased to 570.48 from 558.48.

Galio – buffed

  • HP growth increased to 112 from 100.
  • Base HP increased to 562 from 550.

Gragas – buffed

  • Base armor increased to 35.05 from 26.05.

Graves –buffed

  • End of the Line (Q):
    • AD on initial damage increased to 100% of bonus AD from 80% of bonus AD.
    • Detonation damage increased to 85/115/145/175/205 from 80/110/140/170/200.
  • Collateral Damage (R):
    • Damage on pass through increased to 260/410/560 from 250/400/550.
    • Explosion damage increased to 210/330/450 from 200/320/440.
  • Base HP regen increased to 1.6 from 1.3352.
  • Base AD increased to 68.83 from 60.83.

Hecarim – buffed

  • Rampage (Q):
    • Damage increased to 55/90/125/160/195 from 50/85/120/155/190.
  • Base AD increased to 87 from 75.
  • Base armor increased to 35.72 from 26.72.

Heimerdinger – buffed

  • HP growth increased to 87 from 75.
  • Base HP increased to 488 from 476.

Illaoi – buffed

  • Leap of Faith (R):
    • Damage increased to 155/255/355 from 150/250/350.

Irelia – buffed

  • Transcendant Blades (R):
    • Damage increased to 85/125/165 from 80/120/160.

Ivern – buffed

  • Base armor increased to 27 from 22.
  • HP growth increased to 95 from 90.
  • Base HP increased to 585 from 580.

Janna – buffed

  • Tailwind (P):
    • Percent of bonus movement speed dealt as magic damage changed to 15/25/35% at level 1/7/13 from 35% at all levels.
  • Eye of the Storm (E):
    • Shield decreased to 70/105/140/175.210 from 80/120/160/200/240.
  • Zephyr (W):
    • Mana cost increased to 50/60/70/80/90 from 40/50/60/70/80.
  • Base movement speed decreased to 320 from 335.
  • Base mana decreased to 350 from 509.52.
  • Base health decreased to 500 from 525.
  • Base armor increased to 28.38 from 19.384.

Jarvan IV –buffed

  • Dragon Strike (Q):
    • Damage increased to 80/125/170/215/260 from 70/115/160/205/150
  • Cataclysm (R):
    • Damage increased to 210/335/460 from 200/325/450.

Jax –buffed

  • Leap Strike (Q):
    • Damage increased to 80/120/160/200/240 from 70/110/150/190/230.
  • Counter Strike (E):
    • Minimum damage increased to 55/80/105/130/155 from 50/75/100/125/150.

Jayce –buffed

  • To the Skies (Q Hammer):
    • Damage increased to 40/75/110/145/180 from 35/70/105/140/175.
  • Shock Blast (Q Cannon):
    • Damage increased fto 75/125/175/225/275 from 70/120/170/220/270.

Jinx – buffed

  • Super Mega Death Rocket! (R):
    • Damageincreased to 260/360/460 from 250/350/450.
  • Base AD increased to 66.46 from 58.46.
  • Base armor increased to 31.88 from 22.88.

Karma – buffed

  • Gathering Fire (P):
    • Cooldown reducing effect on Mantra (R) changed to 2/3/4 seconds (1/1.5/2 seconds for basic attacks) from 2/2.5/3 seconds (1/1.25/1.5 for basic attacks).
  • HP growth increased to 95 from 83.
  • Base HP increased to 534.44 from 522.44.

Karthus – buffed

  • HP growth increased to87 from 75.
  • Base HP increased to 576.04 from 564.04.

Kassadin – buffed

  • HP growth increased to 90 from 78.
  • Base HP increased to 576.04 from 564.04.

Katarina – buffed

  • HP growth increased to 94 from 82.
  • Base HP increased to 602 from 590.

Kayn – buffed

  • Reaping Slash (Q):
    • Damage increasedto 60/80/100/120/140 from55/75/95/115/135.
  • Blade’s Reach (W):
    • Damage increased to 85/130/175/220/265 from 80/120/170/215/260/
  • Umbral Tresspass (R):
    • Damage increased to 160/260/360 from 150/250/350.

Kennen – buffed

  • Base armor increased to 29.3 from 24.3.
  • HP growth increased to 84 from 79.
  • Base HP increased to 540.72 from 535.72.

Kha’Zix – buffed

  • Taste Their Fear (Q):
    • Damage increasedto 65/90/115/140/165 from 60/85/110/135/160.
  • Void Spike (W):
    • Damage increasedto 85/115/145/175/205 from 80/110/140/170/200.

Kindred – buffed

  • Dance of Arrows (Q):
    • Damage increased to60/80/100/120/140 from55/75/95/115/135.
  • Mounting Dread (E):
    • Bonus damage increased to65/85/105/125/145 from60/80/100/120/140.
  • Base AD increased to 65 from 57
  • Base armor increased to 29 from 20.

Kled –buffed

  • Beartrap on a Rope (Q mounted):
    • Beartrap damage increased to 30/55/80/105/130 from 25/50/75/100/125.
  • Violent Tendencies (W):
    • Bonus damage increased to 25/35/45/55/65 from 20/30/40/50/60.
  • Jousting (E):
    • Damage increased to 25/50/75/100/125 from 20/45/70/95/120.
  • Chaaaaaaaarge!!! (R):
    • Percent of target’s health as damage increased to 14/17/20% from 12/15/18%.
    • Max shield value increased to 225/325/425 from 200/300/400.

Kog’Maw – buffed

  • Base AD increased to 65.46 from 57.46.
  • Base health increased to 528 from 516.

Leblanc – buffed

  • HP growth increased to 92 from 80.
  • Base HP increased to 528 from 516.

Lee Sin –buffed

  • Sonic Wave (Q1):
    • Damage increased to 55/85/115/145/175 from 50/80/110/140/170.
  • Tempest (E1):
    • Damage increased to60/100/135/170/205 from60/95/130/165/200.
  • Dragon’s Rage (R):
    • Damage increased to 170/320/470 from 150/300/450.

Lissandra – buffed

  • HP growth increased to 87 from 75.
  • Base HP increased to 518.12 from 506.12.

Lucian – buffed

  • Piercing Light (Q):
    • Damage increased to 85/120/155/190/225 from 80/115/150/185/220.
  • Base AD increased to 65.46 from 57.46.
  • Base armor increased to 33.04 from 24.04.

Lulu – buffed

  • Base armor increased to 28.22 from 19.216.

Lux – buffed

  • HP growth increased to 91 from 76.
  • Base HP increased to 489.72 from 477.72.

Malphite – buffed

  • Base AD increased to 69.97 from 61.97.
  • Base armor increased to 37.3 from 28.3.

Malzahar – buffed

  • HP growth increased to 87 from 75.
  • Base HP increased to 537 from 525.

Maokai – buffed

  • Base AD increased to 71.54 from 63.54.
  • Base armor increased to 39 from 30.

Mordekaiser – buffed

  • Base armor increased to 25 from 20.
  • HP growth increased to 78 from 73.
  • Base HP increased to 520 from 525.

Morgana – buffed

  • HP growth increased to 98 from 86.
  • Base HP increased to 33.88 from 24.88.

Nami – buffed

  • Base armor increased to 19.72 from 28.72.

Nasus – buffed

  • Base AD increased to 67.18 from 59.18.
  • Base armor increased to 35.46 from 24.88.

Nautilus – buffed

  • Base AD increased to 65.54 from 57.544.
  • Base armor increased to 26.46 to 25.46.

Nidalee – buffed

  • Base armor increased to 27.88 from 22.88.
  • HP growth increased to 85 from 80.
  • Base HP increased to 545 from 540.

Olaf –buffed

  • Undertow (Q):
    • Damage increased to 80/125/170/215/260 from70/115/160/205/250.

Orianna – buffed

  • HP growth increased to 91 from 79.
  • Base HP increased to 529.72 from 517.72.

Ornn –changed

  • Bellows Breath (W):
    • Initial fire damage changed to 12/14/16/18/20% of enemy’s max health from15/17.5/20/22.5/25% of enemy’s current health.
  • Base AD increased to 67.72 from 59.72.
  • Base armor increased to 33.04 from 24.04.

Pantheon – buffed

  • Spear Shot (Q):
    • Damage increased to 75/110/155/195/235 from65/105/145/185/225.
  • Heartseeker Strike (E):
    • Damage increased to 100/150/200/250/300 from 80/130/180/230/280.

Poppy – buffed

  • Hammer Shock (Q):
    • Damage increased to40/60/80/100/120 from35/55/75/95/115.
  • Heroic Charge (E):
    • Damage increased to55/75/95/115/135 from50/70/90/110/130.
  • Keeper’s Verdict (R):
    • Damage increased to210/310/410 from 200/300/400.
  • Base AD increased to 64 from 56.
  • Base armor increased to 28 from 29.

Quinn – buffed

  • Base AD increased to 62.46 from 54.46.
  • Basse armor increased to 32.38 from 23.38.

Rakan – buffed

  • Base AD increased to 70 from 62.
  • Base armor increased to 26 from 24.

Rammus – buffed

  • Base AD increased to 63.88 from 55.88.
  • Base armor increased to 40.38 from 31.384.

Rek’Sai –buffed

  • Queen’s Wrath (Q Unburrowed):
    • Damage increased to 20/25/30/35/40 from 15/20/25/30/35
  • Unburrow (W Burrowed):
    • Damage increased to55/70/85/100/115 from50/65/80/95/110.
  • Furious Bite (E Unburrowed):
    • Damage increased to55/65/75/85/95 from50/60/70/80/90.
  • Void Rush (R):
    • Damage increased to 115/265/415 from 100/250/400.

Renekton –buffed

  • Cull the Meek (Q):
    • Damage increased to65/95/125/155/185 from60/90/120/150/180.
    • Enhanced damage increased to 95/140/185/230/275 from 90/135/180/225/270.
  • Slice/Dice (E):
    • Damage increasedto 40/70/100/130/160 from 30/60/90/120/150.
    • Enhanced damage increased to55/100/145/190/235 from45/90/135/180/225.

Rengar –buffed

  • Savagery (Q):
    • Damage per strike increased to30/50/70/90/110 from25/45/65/85/105.
  • Bola Strike (E):
    • Damage increasedto 55/100/145/190/235 from 50/95/140/185/230.

Riven –buffed

  • Ki Burst (W):
    • Damage increasedto 55/85/115/145/175 from 50/80/110/140/170.
  • Valor (E):
    • Shield value increasedto 95/125/155/185/215 from 90/120/150/180/210.
  • Base AD increased to 64.04 from 56.04.
  • Base armor increased to 33.38 from 24.376.

Rumble – buffed

  • Base armor increased to 30.88 from 25.88.
  • HP growth increased to 85 from 80.
  • Base HP increased to 589.4 from 584.4.

Ryze – buffed

  • HP growth increased to 98 from 86.
  • Base HP increased to 570.48 from 558.48.

Sejuani – buffed

  • Base AD increased to 64 from 56.
  • Base armor increased to 36 from 27.

Shaco -buffed

  • Two-Shiv Poison (E):
    • Damage increasedto 55/80/105/130/155 from 50/75/100/125/150.

Shen – buffed

  • Base AD increased to 68 from 60.
  • Base armor increased to 34 from 25.

Singed – buffed

  • Base armor increased to 36.88 from 27.88.

Sion – buffed

  • Base AD increased to 65.46 from 57.46.
  • Base armor increased to 32.04 from 23.04.

Sivir – buffed

  • Base AD increased to 65.46 from 57.46.
  • Base armor increased to 31.21 from 22.21.

Sona – buffed

  • Base armor increased to 29.54 from 20.544.

Soraka – buffed

  • Base armor increased to 32.38 from 23.384.

Swain – buffed

  • HP growth increased to 102 from 90.
  • Base HP increased to 528.04 from 516.04.

Syndra – buffed

  • HP growth increased to 90 from 78.
  • Base HP increased to 523.04 from 511.04.

Tahm Kench – buffed

  • Base armor increased to 47 from 27.

Taliyah – buffed

  • HP growth increased to 87 from 75.
  • Base HP increased to 532 from 520.

Talon – buffed

  • Noxian Diplomacy (Q):
    • Damage increased to 65/90/115/140/165 from60/85/110/135/160.
  • Rake (W):
    • Return damage increased to70/95/120/145/170 from60/85/110/135/160.
  • Shadow Assault (R):
    • Damage increased to 95/140/185 from 90/135/180.

Taric – buffed

  • Base armor increased to 45 from 25.

Thresh – buffed

  • Base AD increased to 557. from 47.696.
  • Base armor increased to 28 from 16.

Tristana – buffed

  • Explosive Charge (E):
    • Damage increased to 55/80/105/140/155 from 50/75/100/125/150.
  • Base AD increased to 64.96 from 56.96.
  • Base armor increased to 36.54 from 27.536.

Trundle – buffed

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  • Base AD increased to 68.04 from 60.04.
  • base armor increased to 36.54 from 27.536.

Tryndamere – buffed

  • Spinning Slash (E):
    • Damage increased to80/110/140/170/200 from70/100/130/160/190.
  • Base AD increased to 69.38 from 61.376.
  • Base armor increased to 33.11 from 24.108.

Twisted Fate – buffed

  • HP growth increased to 94 from 82.
  • Base HP increased to 533.76 from 521.76.

Twitch – buffed

  • Base AD increased to 63.46 from 55.46.
  • Base armor increased to 32.04 from 23.04.

Varus – buffed

  • Hail of Arrows (E):
    • Damage increased to 70/105/140/175/210 from 65/100/135/170/205.
  • Base AD increased to 62.66 from 54.66.
  • Base armor increased to 32.21 from 23.212.

Vayne – buffed

  • Condemn (E):
    • Damage increased to50/85/120/155/190 from45/80/115/150/185.
  • Base AD increased to 63.88 from 55.88.
  • Base armor increased to 28.01 from 19.012.

Veigar – buffed

  • HP growth increased to 94 from 82.
  • Base HP increased to 504.76 from 492.76.

Vel’Koz – buffed

  • HP growth increased to 88 from 76.
  • Base HP increased to 519.68 from 507.68.

Viktor – buffed

  • HP growth increased to 90 from 78.
  • Base HP increased to 537 from 525.

Vladimir – buffed

  • HP growth increased to 96 from 84.
  • Base HP increased to 537 from 525.

Volibear – buffed

  • Base AD increased to 67.54 from 59.544.
  • Base armor increased to 35.48 from 26.38.

Wukong – buffed

  • Nimbus Strike (E):
    • Damage increased to65/110/155/200/245 from60/105/150/150/195/240.

Xayah – buffed

  • Double Daggers (Q):
    • Damage increased to45/65/85/105/125 from40/60/80/100/120.
  • Bladecaller (E):
    • Damage increased to 55/65/75/85/95 from 50/60/70/80/90.
  • Featherstorm (R):
    • Damage increased to 120/160/210 from 100/150/200.
  • Base AD increased to 64 from 56.
  • Base armor increased to 33 from 24.

Xerath – buffed

  • HP growth increased to 92 from 80.
  • Base HP increased to 526.4 from 514.4.

Xin Zhao – buffed

  • Three Talon Strike (Q):
    • Damage increased to20/25/30/35/40 from15/20/25/30/35.
  • Crescent Guard (R):
    • Damage increased to 80/180/280 from 75/175/275.

Yasuo –buffed

  • Last Breath (R):
    • Damage increased to 210/310/410 from 200/300/400.

Yorick – buffed

  • Base AD increased to 65 from 57.
  • Base armor increased to 39 from 30.

Zac – buffed

  • Base AD increased to 68 from 60.
  • Base armor increased to 33 from 24.

Zed – buffed

  • Razor Shuriken (Q):
    • Damage increased to80/115/150/185/220 from70/105/140/175/210.
    • Secondary damage increased to45/66/87/108/129 from42/63/84/105/126.
  • Shadow Slash (E):
    • Damage increased to 70/95/120/145/170 from 65/90/115/140/165.

Ziggs – buffed

  • HP growth increased to 92 from 80.
  • Base HP increased to 536.4 from 524.4.

Zilean – buffed

  • Base armor increased to 28.13 from 19.134.

Zyra – buffed

  • Base armor increased to 29.04 from 20.04.

Patch 7.20 Item Changes

Stopwatch new!

  • Cost: 600g
  • Unique active – Stasis:Champion becomes invulnerable and untargetable for 2.5 seconds, but is unable to move, attack, cast spells, or use items during this time (One time use).

Ancient Coin linenerfed

  • Unique passive – Favor:
    • Missing mana returned from coin drops decreased to 6% from 10%.
    • Minimum mana decreased to 10 from 15.

Frostfang – nerfed

  • No longer gives 10% cooldown reduction.

Gargoyle Stoneplatechanged

  • New recipe: Chain Vest + Negatron Cloak + Stopwatch +380g
  • Combine cost lowered to 380g from 980g
  • Unique Active (Metallicize) cooldown increased to 92 seconds from 90 seconds.

Guardian Angelchanged

  • New Recipe: BF Sword + Cloth Armor + Stopwatch
  • Combine cost lowered to 200 from 800.

Hunter’s Machetebuffed

  • New effect: Basic attacks against monsters now grant 15% attack speed for 2 seconds.
  • Bonus damage against monsters decreased to 20 from 30.

Hunter’s Talismanbuffed

  • New effect: Now burns monsters for 10 + 30% bonus health (max 50) magic damage.

Jaurim’s Fistchanged

  • Health increased to 200 from 150.
  • Unique passive max stacks decreased to 20 from 30.

Spellthief’s Edgebuffed

  • AP increased to 10 from 5.

Sterak’s Gagebuffed

  • New recipe: Jaurim’s Fist + Pickaxe + Ruby Crystal +725g.
  • Total cost increased to 3200 from 2600.
  • +50% Base Attack Damage is now a unique passive.
  • Now melee only
  • Health increased to 450 from 400.
  • Base AD increased to 50% from 30%.
  • Changed effect: Unique Passive – Lifeline
    • Shield now starts to decay after 0.75 seconds
    • Lifeline pasive changed from giving (+30% Base AD) to (+30% Tenacity).

Zhonya’s Hourglass – changed

  • New recipe:Seeker’s Armguard + Fiendish Codex + Stopwatch +200g.
  • Combine cost lowered to 200g from 800g.

League Of Legends Patch 8.6

Patch 7.20 Mastery Changes

As part of the Runes Reforged changes, masteries will no longer exist after preseason begins. Instead, runes and masteries will make up one cohesive system. You can read more about that in our preseason runes guide, and we’ll soon have all of the current rune information up on the site in a dedicated post.

Patch 7.20 Summoner Spell Changes

With changes to levelling, Summoner Spells will start unlocking at different levels. Those are as follows:

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  • Flash level decreased to 7 from 8.
  • Smite level decreased to 9 from 10.
  • Ignite level decreased to 9 from 10.
  • Cleanse level increased to 9 from 6.
  • Teleport level increased to 7 from 6.
  • Clarity (ARAM) level increased to 6 from 1.
  • Mark (ARAM) level increased to 6 from 1.

LoL Patch 7.20 New Skins

Second most important: cosmetics. Lovely, gorgeous cosmetics. Bit more of a visual medium this, so we’ve grabbed the best videos of each skin, as well as a lovely pic or two. Some are relatively simple changes, while others are total reworks of every part of the champion outside the gameplay numbers – new VO, new animations, new particles and the rest. It’s generally defined by how much they cost, so we’ve detailed that as well.

Classic Evelynn

Here’s their splash:

Shadow Evelynn

Here’s their splash:

Tango Evelynn

Here’s their splash:

Safecracker Evelynn

Here’s their splash:

Masquerade Evelynn

Masquerade Evelynn hasn’t been made available on the PBE yet. We’ll update this section with some in-game shots when we can.

Here’s their splash:

Super Galaxy Annie

Here’s her splash:

Super Galaxy Gnar

Here’s his splash:

Super Galaxy Elise

Here’s her splash:

Super Galaxy Nidalee

Here’s her splash:

Riot have released a video celebrating the release of the new Super Galaxy skins, which you can check out below:

LoL Patch 7.20 Features

Patch 7.20 is hoping to improve how the time between games works. The new feature update should make it easier to change your party’s game mode, and will introduce a ‘Ready’ system to the end-of-game screen. The new system will also remember your position preferences, so if you queue up again, the game will remember where you want to play. You can read the full details here.

The new patch has also provided our first look at the new XP system – Riot have recently announced that they’re removing the level cap from the game, allowing players to level beyond 30. Here’s a full feedback thread for the new system, which shows you the XP you gained at the end of every game, and rewards you with loot capsules whenever you level up.

LoL Patch 7.20 Context and Notes

Fearless has offered a lengthy post on the way Runes will be rolled out, across PBE, into the main game, and then how they’ll be monitored after that. Check it out here.

Meddler’s notes for September 29 suggest that we’ll be seeing a lot fewer champion updates until pre-season is over, while focus is put on blanace changes instead. He also says balance focus will be focused on the new Rune system rather than the old one.

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Meddler’s notes for October 3 offer context for the Janna hotfix, updates on the state of the recently changed Caitlyn, Azir, and Xin Zhao, and consider how the Deathfire Touch mastery’s absence from the new rune page will impact certain champions.

LoL Patch 7.20 Login Screen

Each patch has its own login screen with unique music. They’re always fairly excellent, and 7.20’s will be based around Evelynn. Check it out below:

That’s League of Legends patch 7.20. We’ll update as and when we get more info, or we’ll see you for patch 7.21 in the very near future. Let us know below if there’s any vital info we missed!

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Posted by6 years ago

All, as many of you I am a Comcast customer and have been having problems with my connection over the past few weeks. I made the following changes over the weekend and it solved the issues and I can now play again!

-Used a wired connection instead of wireless to connect to my router.

-Uninstalled Pando Media Booster.

-Switched to google public DNS server (, Link

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-Disabled the IP helper services on my computer. link

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-Shut off IPV6 on my computer. Link

If you have any questions about any of this stuff please let me know.

EDIT There have been a couple people who have now stated these fixes have worked for them, it is at least worth giving it a shot.

EDIT 2 Is has been brought up that it will most likely not take all of these to fix the problem, I still noticed issues after going wired, and uninstalling Pando. The last three changes I made at the same time, following those I was no longer having the problem. I left the first two items on the list as many have said they have found these to help solve their problems... I would look at this guide as a best practices list for the time being.

EDIT 3 More people reporting that these fixes have helped their connection, also added some links that help explain how to do these things.

EDIT 4 If these work for anyone it is suggest to go HERE and run the script pre and post changes and to post your results to help solve this problem at the root.