Dark Souls 2 Ps3 Patch Download

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PSN: ingiusto

For Dark Souls II on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'Any other way to download Patch 1.09'.

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Dark Souls 2 Ps3 Save Editor

5 years ago

As reported here, FROM Soft is going to push the 1.02 patch shortly — on PS3 this is happening today March 17th at 7pm, and there's no estimated date for X360.

Public changelog for this patch is as follows:

Dark Souls 2 Ps3 Patch Download Full

  • エラーコードが表示され召喚サインが書けなくなる現象の修正

Google translated to:

  • Modification of the phenomenon that summons sine is unable to write error code is displayed

Which could be something about error codes being shown when failing to drop a summon sign.

Last patch was over 120mb and that usually means contents/textures/models and not only some random fixes; they're probably changing more than they declare. Should someone know more about these patches (1.01 and 1.02), please post in here.

Posted by5 years ago

This may not be the case for many people, and it's not a knock against the game. But I wanted to warn anyone who is contemplating not patching the game before playing.

I couldn't get the patch to download last night. Unlike what I normally do, I didn't start up the game to get any possible patch when I got home from work. I always do that. For some reason I didn't yesterday. When I finally sat down to try and play at 8:30 EST, I wasn't surprised to see v1.01 available. But then I freaked out. I knew it was release day and the patch would probably take forever to download. But I hoped.

That hope was met with disappointment. After repeated failures to even start the download, it finally started the relatively small 125MB download. The timer said it would be finished in 500 minutes. After multiple failures and retries, it eventually said it would take 2 hours. But when it hit 10% the download failed.

So I decided to try it unpatched, if it would let me. Sure enough it did, but it signed me out of PSN and didn't connect to the DS2 servers. I knew that might happen, but I figured I could at least play a little and enjoy the game for an hour and I'd plan on starting over a proper game once it was patched.

I wasn't prepared for was how awful the game looked. Textures were dull and lifeless. Dynamic lighting was nonexistent. Enemies looked awful. I know I know, graphics aren't everything. But I've played well over 100 hours of Dark Souls and 60 or so in Demon's Souls, and they look fantastic. An unpatched DS2 doesn't hold a candle to either of them. Needless to say after 45 minutes of being frustrated trying to download the patch, I was still left disappointed after playing an ugly game for an hour.

Thankfully when I got to work a coworker showed me a video of him fighting the ogre in the tutorial area. I was shocked at how good it looked. Even looking at videos of the game again this morning, that isn't the game I saw. Apparently the patch contains all the graphics config info (which I noticed load when I started up the game this morning)! So I'm relieved! I made sure the game was patched this morning, and it was. So I look forward to starting over tonight and having a proper DS2 experience. :-)

All that to say, if you can't download the day one patch for any reason, I would wait to play until you can. You'll probably be left feeling disappointed.